Visions of Mice

Category: Internal Brand Published on Jan 12 2015

The Vision Statement answers the question: Why do you do what you do?


Why did you start your business? Was it to create a better mouse trap? To eradicate the mouse population? Or to provide a humane way to remove unwanted visitors in our homes?


These are three different answers that each tell me something different about your company and why you are in business.

If you started your business because you created a better mouse trap, then your vision is more about creativity and your mission is going to be about cutting edge products that we may not even know that we need yet. Your website will probably not even talk about mice, just the ingeniousness of your mousetrap.


If your goal is to eradicate the mouse population, your vision is about a mouse free future for all and the good it will bring to the world. Your business will sell mouse traps and mouse poison. And a future expansion of your business may be to add mouse extermination services. Your website will talk about the evils of mouse-dom including destruction, disease, and other treacherous traits.


If your goal is to provide a humane way to remove unwanted visitors in our homes, your vision is about pests and people living harmoniously in this world. Your business will sell have-a-heart mouse traps as well as products that will discourage the mice from moving in from the start. And a future expansion of your business may be to provide similar products for other pests like bats, ants, and spiders. Your website will talk about why it’s important to protect mice and other animals we view as pests and provide helpful products and tips to make this easy for homeowners.


Clearly understanding and articulating your vision is important. As the three examples above illustrate, the follow up decisions, marketing, and expansion will vary based on why you are doing what you are doing.


Therefore, the vision statement is an important document that provides business clarity, guides your future growth and ensures that you are accomplishing what you really want to accomplish.


What is your company’s vision? If you don’t have one, invest time today to work on this. Don’t delay or you may find yourself exterminating mice when what you really want to do is create a new gadget!


Have a great day!

